Provides declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge about writing, with a special focus on genre, rhetorical situation, revision, editing, and making connections between texts and one’s own perspective. Designed to support multilingual learners.
What is it? Writing 1E is the same as Writing 1 except that it is designed for multilingual students and is taught by language specialists. Extra support is provided for language-related needs, and projects may incorporate students’ strengths in using multiple languages.
Who is it for? Writing 1E is for multilingual students who are capable readers and writers and also know that they need time or support to meet college-level writing expectations, in part because of language skills.
What is the workload? The workload in Writing 1E is the same as in Writing 1.
Note: Effective winter 2024, College 1 is no longer a prerequisite to taking Writing 1 or 1E.
Course outcomes for Writing 1E are the same as those for Writing 1.
Catalog description: Provides declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge about writing, with a special focus on genre, rhetorical situation, revision, editing, and making connections between texts and one’s own perspective. RESERVED FOR MULTILINGUAL STUDENTS.