Directed Self-Placement (DSP) is how you’ll learn what writing courses you’ll take at UCSC. It is administered by the UCSC Writing Program.
UCSC, like nearly all universities, has required writing courses. There are different courses to meet the varying needs of students, and the Writing Program believes that with our help, you can decide which sequence of writing courses and/or resources are best for you. This process is known as “directed self-placement” (or DSP), because it is directed by the Writing Program (there’s a structured process you will undertake), and you help decide which courses and/or supports are best for you.
Directed self-placement is common at many universities. There are three reasons universities use DSP:
(1) Research shows that it empowers students, and that with support and thoughtful design, students better understand the courses that they ultimately enroll in.
(2) There is also evidence that students are more invested in courses when they participate in the decision-making process.
(3) For some students, DSP provides an alternative to placing students in writing courses using standardized testing and test scores.